Michael Murphy © 2025
Cold Shoulder is from the Remote Care Case series of antique first aid kits repurposed to contain life castings taken while on the Lunga 6 Analogue Space Research Mission. The first casting depicts a hand and shoulder representing the first (unsuccessful) attempt to comfort the patient. Two different concentrations of soil were used to create a strong colour contrast between the hand and shoulder. The second casting depicts the medical field notebook used to document interactions with the patient. This casting also contains black pigment and embedded bits of moss and plant matter from the island. The third casting is of Fortais’ cracked front steps in London — as the patient in this case study experienced extreme homesick- ness, Fortais incorporated a fractured element of ‘home’ into the Remote Care Case.
Cold Shoulder also contains two aluminium dibond prints: the first documenting the analogue astronauts’ discovery of the homesick casualty, and the second depicting the desolate landscape as viewed from the ridge of their camp.